Monday, October 20, 2008

Assignment 3: Ch. 1 Night Questions

1. Who is Moishe/ Moche the Beadle? Describe him.

- Moishe the Beadle was the one who did all the maintenance in the Jewish church. He was a really poor man who would always make people smile.

2. Why did Elizer cry when he prayed?
- He didn't know why he would cry. Every time he would pray, he felt he needed to cry.

3. When Moishe returned what did he tell?
- He had warned everybody in the town that the Germans were going to go after them, and everything he had seen when he was taken away.

4. Why didn't people believe him?
- People thought he was doing it to grab attention, and for people to have pity on him.

5. List the ways the Jewish people of Sighet lost their rights.
- The Jews couldn't be out on the streets after 6.
- Every Jew had to wear a yellow star.
- They weren't allowed to own any gold, or fine jewelery.
- They were forced to live in the ghetto.
- They arrested all the leaders of the Jewish community
- Soldiers were allowed to go inside their homes.

6. What is a ghetto?
- A ghetto is a neighborhood of only one type of race.

7. Why did citizens resist the truth, even when it was in front of them?
- They wouldn't believe Hitler was going to be able to annihilate all of the Jews.

8. Describe the conditions in the train.
- There was 80 people jammed in one car. The windows had bars so they wouldn't escape. They only had water and bread as their meal. The one who was in charge of the car would be killed if one person was missing. They really didn't have any air to breathe.