Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Assignment 6: Ch. 4 & 5 Questions

Chapter 4

1. What were the objectives of the medical examinations?
- They were in search for any gold teeth.

2. Why were the Jewish musicians not allowed to play Beethoven?
- Beethoven music is German.

3. Describe one of Idek's bouts of madness.
- When he was mad, he would get his anger out on which ever person was closer to him by beating them severely.

4. How did Elie initially avoid losing his gold crown?
- He kept telling them he didn't feel good and that he was getting sick.

5. Who did Elie meet on the Paris metro?
- The French Woman who had worked with him in the warehouse.

6. What happened when Elie refused to give his crown to Franek? What was the end result?
- Franek tormented Elie's father because he didn't know how to march, and he would beat him up real bad. Elie ended up giving Franek his crown.

7. Describe the scene at the soup cauldrons.
- The Jews had been placed in a room where big pots of hot soup were sitting there. There was a man who was going to drink from it, and everybody was looking at him with jealousy. When the bombing began, he died out of no where.

8. During the preliminary ceremonies before hanging, what did Juliek whisper to Elie? What does this suggest?
- " This ceremony, will it be over soon? I'm hungry..." They weren't getting fed enough.

9. During one hanging, Elie and the other prisoners cried. What made this hanging different from the others?
- The fact that a boy was getting hung in front of their eyes made it really devastating for them, even though they had seen many hangings before.

Ch. 5

1. Why didn't Elie fast on Yom Kippur?
- He no longer believed in God's silence. Also, his father had forbidden him from doing it.

2. What advice was given to Elie to pass the selection?
- They had told him to run as fast as he could so that they wouldn't be able to see his number.

3. How did Elie's father respond when he had learned that his name had been written down?
- He started giving Elie his valuable possessions since he had felt that his time was running short.

4. What did Akiba Drummer ask for others to do for him? Did they do it?
- He had asked them to gather 10 men and say Kaddish. They never did it.

5. Why was Elie placed in the hospital?
- He had to get in operation on his foot.

6. Why was the camp evacuated? What did Elie learn of the fate of those who stayed behind in the hospital?
- The Russians were on their way to the camp. They had gotten liberated after 2 days of the evacuation.

Assignment 5: Holocaust Timeline Summary

From 1918-1945, the Nazi party grew from a small political group, to the most powerful and evil group in Germany. After Hitler became Chancellor, he changed the whole government, and put the Jews in ghettos. His plan was to kill the entire population of the Jews so he put them in concentration camps and sabotaged them for a long time. When World War II ended, the Nazis were punished for all their crimes.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Assignment 4: Ch. 2 & 3

Ch. 2- pg. 23-28
1. Explain, "Our eyes were open, but too late." Where was the train at this point?
- They realized Moishe was right, but it was already too late to go back. The train was already at Aushwitz.

2. What was foreshadowed by Madame Schacter's nightmare?
- She had visioned the flames from the crematories.

3. What did some of the passengers do to quiet Madame Schacter?
- She had received several blows on her head to quiet her down.

4. Where did the train finally stop?
- The train stopped at Birkenau.

Ch. 3- pg. 29-46
1. When questioned by the S.S officer, why did Elie lie about his age and occupation?
- He was scared of what he was supposed to say, and wasn't sure what if he was supposed to lie or not.

2. What was the first horrifying sight that Elie at first disbelieved?
- He had seen the pit of flames with the burning babies that Moishe had told him about.

3. Explain what Elie meant when he said, " Never shall I forget these flames which consumed my faith forever."
- Those flames were something that ripped his heart apart.

4. How did Elie change in a short time?
- He felt lots of anger to God, and he lost all his faith.

5. What was Elie's first impression of Aushwitz after leaving Birkenau?
- They actually treated them a lot nicer than they did in Birkenau. He had also felt relieved.

6. What was the "compulsory formality" at the entrance to all camps?
- They were showered with hot water and gasoline.

7. What sort of identification was used on the prisoners?
- They were coded with numbers, and were tattooed on their left arms. His code was A-7713.

8. Why was the prisoner in charge of Elie's block removed from his position?
- The Germans said he was being too nice to them.

9. What were the prisoner's rations at each meal?
- For breakfast they would have black coffee, for lunch they would have soup, and for dinner they would have bread with margarine.

10. What was Bela Katz forced to do once he was chosen for his strength?
- He had been forced to place his own father's body in the furnace.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Assignment 3: Ch. 1 Night Questions

1. Who is Moishe/ Moche the Beadle? Describe him.

- Moishe the Beadle was the one who did all the maintenance in the Jewish church. He was a really poor man who would always make people smile.

2. Why did Elizer cry when he prayed?
- He didn't know why he would cry. Every time he would pray, he felt he needed to cry.

3. When Moishe returned what did he tell?
- He had warned everybody in the town that the Germans were going to go after them, and everything he had seen when he was taken away.

4. Why didn't people believe him?
- People thought he was doing it to grab attention, and for people to have pity on him.

5. List the ways the Jewish people of Sighet lost their rights.
- The Jews couldn't be out on the streets after 6.
- Every Jew had to wear a yellow star.
- They weren't allowed to own any gold, or fine jewelery.
- They were forced to live in the ghetto.
- They arrested all the leaders of the Jewish community
- Soldiers were allowed to go inside their homes.

6. What is a ghetto?
- A ghetto is a neighborhood of only one type of race.

7. Why did citizens resist the truth, even when it was in front of them?
- They wouldn't believe Hitler was going to be able to annihilate all of the Jews.

8. Describe the conditions in the train.
- There was 80 people jammed in one car. The windows had bars so they wouldn't escape. They only had water and bread as their meal. The one who was in charge of the car would be killed if one person was missing. They really didn't have any air to breathe.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Assignment 2: Cattle Car Complex

Adam Posner, a Jewish lawyer, was leaving work after working late. When he got on the elevator, it had gotten stuck. Adam began to panic since he remembered that he was claustrophobic, and that he was afraid of the dark. He kept pressing every button trying to get it unstuck, and he also pressed the emergency button many times. Since he was in there for a long time, he was starting to think he was stuck in a cattle car on is way to a Concentration camp. When they had finally answered back he kept saying many things about the Holocaust. They finally got him help and got him out of the elevator.

Even though some Jewish people didn't live during the Holocaust era, they could still feel the pain from the ones that did. They were probably told many stories from actual survivors, and they were able to picture everything in their minds. They're ancestors could have been victims of the Nazis.  

Monday, October 13, 2008

(2nd 9 wks.) Assignment 1

During the Holocaust era, the Nazis killed about 6 million Jews, about 200,000 Roman Gypsies, and at least 200,000 disabled patients. They also persecuted several political groups, ideological groups, Communists, Socialists, Jehovah's Witnesses, and homosexuals. Hitler was the one who had been responsible for World War II and for the Holocausts. He was a very cruel man who simply hated the Jews for Religious reasons, like it was they were the ones who had killed Jesus Christ for example. This is something I am really glad it isn't happening right now.